Embrace the journey ahead
How I Can Help
Welcome to a coaching experience designed to help you break free from tools—whether addictions or old coping mechanisms—that no longer serve your growth. These patterns once helped you navigate life, but now they may be holding you back. Whether you're dealing with past addiction or simply recognizing that your current coping strategies are limiting you, this journey is for you. Together, we'll release what's outdated and discover healthier, more empowering tools to unlock your true potential. It’s time to embrace change, step into personal and professional growth, and build a future that serves your highest purpose. Let's begin this transformative journey together.
As a registered nurse in cardiac care, Certified Addiction RN (CARN), and a certified coach, I bring a unique blend of experience to life coaching. This framework enables me to coach with deep compassion, resilience, and a practical understanding of complex challenges. My goal is to guide clients through their own transformation, whether they’re seeking recovery, growth, or balance in their lives.

Areas of Exploration
Understanding our feelings and how they drive our actions
Understanding our thoughts and how they create our feelings
Buffering: what it is and why we do it
Addressing shame and stigma
Emotional Adulthood vs Emotional Childhood
Relationships: boundaries and manuals
Relationship with yourself: self confidence
Goals: life, love, and money​

Coaching Options
$540 if paid in advance
(10% discount)
$1020 if paid in advance
(15% discount)
All coaching sessions done via Zoom video conferencing.